If Condition - Meeting 6

Now we learn on "IF Ststement/Condition". In this example we still apply 2 files (pages) so that we can remember the previous lesson. Please pay attention to the single "if condition" below:


<h3>IF Condition</h3>
Fill in a name and a exam's mark[0-100] below:
<form action="seven.php" method="post">
Nama : <input type="text" name="usrname" size="30" maxlength="30"><br><br>
Nilai : <input type="text" name="mark" size="3" maxlength="3"><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Send Soon!">

save the above file as six.php
Then create a script as a new file and save it as seven.php like below:

<h3>Thank you for entering your data</h3><br>
<h4>The mark's result is:</h4>
$usrname = $_POST['usrname'];
$mark = $_POST['mark'];
$result = "Not Passed";
if ($mark >= 60){
$result = "Passed";
$usrname is <font color=red><b>$result</b></font>


Then open your browser and point to the six.php and see the result. It should show that the mark greater than or equal to 60 is "passed", if not it s "not passed".
The logic is, if the condition is "true" then the statement inside the { } bracket is executed if "false" it is not executed.

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